About Eileen

My photo
I'm a very happy woman and extremely grateful to be alive and wake up every day. I've been a Type 1 Diabetic since age 9 and perhaps having this disease almost my whole life has helped me learn to appreciate that it could all be gone in a second. I'm forever grateful for my husband John Prudhont, my beautiful daughter Rene and Johns daughter Kiana, hey are such wonderful young ladies. In addition my little diabetic alert dog Doodles, he's John & my best little hairy friend. You can read about my life here and about what an actress, athlete and diabetic like me loves, hates, buys, returns or just enjoys daily. Enjoy :-)

Saturday, May 12, 2012

Happy Mothers Day to my mommy

My mom & her boyfriend Lewis

Bailey Bleacher & Doodles Prudhont
This is my Mothers Day blog dedicated to MY MOM!  I love you mom (by the way everybody her name is Judi Bleacher) She is so beautiful,  I'm not just saying that because she's my mom, but because it's true.  See her pictures I've attached.  My mom has always been there for me in my toughest times, in times of sadness and happiness and sickness and health.  I'd marry her too but my husband probably wouldn't like that, ha ha.  I'll stick with her as my mom.  I'm so proud of her too!  She walks over 3 miles a day with her adorable Bichon Frise doggie (John and my dog Doodles girlfriend) Bailey   Bleacher.  My mom rides an awesome mountain bike that her wonderful boyfriend Lewis got her and she dresses terrific,  she wears the coolest clothes, it's awesome that her and I can still share clothes! She has been a fantastic Grandma "Gamma" she is called by Rene and "Gamma Judi" by Kiana :-)

My beautiful mommy hugging
her new son John on John and
my wedding day 7/4/2011
My mom has been a terrific mom to my husband John.  She loves him as if he was her own son and is as proud of him as I am.  And he feels the same way I do about her and loves her the same too.  Thank You mom for being so wonderful to John, for showing him how a mom should treat a child no matter what their age and for seeing how truly madly deeply I am in love with my husband.

Thank you mom for always being there for me, for being patient, caring, loving and always a shoulder for me to cry on and a friend to talk to and for not lecturing me or making me feel bad.  Thank You for being exactly what  all moms should be like for their children.  I hope, just hope I can be as great as you are to me, for Rene. 

John and I (and Doodles too) can't wait to see you for your birthday! We miss you bunches and we will have an awesome time :-) I wish I could spend all week there, including Mothers Day so we will have to make up for it when we stay there a couple of days.  I hope Lewis treats you like the beauty inside and out that you are for Mothers Day (well actually all of the time ) and that everybody calls and wishes you Happy Mothers Day.  You are the best mom, thank you for raising me great :-) and for being my heroine. You always will be.  I love you :-)

Oh yes my mom plays Golf too, but she can really drive a Golf cart like no other!
Yes she is hot, told ya!

Friday, May 11, 2012

The Hollywood Half Marathon & Ken Nwadike Jr.

This blog entry is well overdue.  Our friend and Race Director Ken Nwadike is the Race  Director for the Hollywood Half Marathon (and many other races)  My husband (you know him by now) Actor and Ultra Marathon runner (known as "The Ultra Marathon Dude") John Prudhont were registered to run in the Inaugural Hollywood Half Marathon which was held on April 7, 2012 in of course......Hollywood, CA.
John and I had planned on going to the expo on Friday to pick up our awesome "SWAG" bags which included treats and discounts and goodies of different sorts and get our race tech shirts (which by the way John runs his Ultra runs in constantly) along with our bib#'s.  Well, it just so happened that John booked a lead role on a Feature Film called "Blood Relatives" at the last minute and had to be on set all day.  I was also booked as a lead on "Operation Repo" again last minute on the same day.  Luckilly I was able to quickly run by the expo, looked around for Ken who was more than likely being attacked by the frenzy of marathon fans and a fan who recognized me from modeling offerend to stand in line for me at the tech shirt area, ha ha so I could go get John and my other items and be out in time to get to set.  Unfortunately I had to hurry.  I really didn't like to have to leave in a hurry to go to set as it looked like a terrific expo, great vendors, people I knew, fans that follwed me and my Spartan buddies at an expo booth too.  I missed seeing Ken (again he was more than likely being bombarded) and went to set in Burbank.

John and I were very happy with our "SWAG" and the great tech shirts & excited to race the next day.  I realized that I shouldn't run the next day though as I was still rehabbing my right shoulder from my Frozen Shoulder surgery and my knee from all of the running I had been doing prior.  So unfortunately I didn't run the next morning.  John on the other hand, looked all ridiculously handsome in his marathon gear, his Nathan Hydration pack, his street running shoes (as opposed to his Brooks Trail shoes) and his Power Bar Gels.  We got to the parking area which was located very close to the start of the race, it was very organized and easy to find and park.  I noticed a LOT of new marathoners.  Nothing bad, just after running more than a few handfuls of marathons and half marathons in my time I've learned to spot the newbies instantly.  I'll get back to the newbies in a little bit :-) John placed himself in an easy 9 minute mile pace corral and filmed the majority of the half marathon with his Go Pro Camera which he wore on his head.  Please see the attached video below.
 As you can see he finished happy and said that there was a "killer" hill at the end, but when John says "killer" he means "AWESOME".   So before I took this video while John was running I made my way over to the finish line and met a great lady named "Lisa Rohletter" who was there to cheer her son on (she said he would be one of the first finishers.....and he was :-) Good call Lisa :-)  So Lisa and I walked over to the finish and I told her I would check on her shortly after I found Ken.  I found Ken all smiley and happy wearing an AWESOME Hollywood Half Marathon Lettermans Jacket.
(How is it that Ken and I meet up with Superman at the most interesting places.....ha ha...hey Ken, was Superman posing with you the same "manner" as with me?" LOL)
Eileen and Superman

Ken and Superman
Back to Ken, what a guy, he was smiling yet I could tell and sense that the stress was overwhelming (I completely could understand why) and with the thousands of people there, constantly asking him questions, throwing curveball ideas, concerns, etc. at him he still greeted me pleasantly and smiling and offered me his VIP badge so I wouldn't have to wait.  He gave me one for John also and I kept it safely in my purse to give John when he finished.  I told Ken I'd see him later and "poof" he was off getting more work done.  My diabetic alert dog "Doodles" was with me and we waited for John alongside a photographer as I had looked for the sweet lady I met earlier "Lisa" and couldn't find her.  Doodles and I watched the first runners come through in an insanely fast time, I laughed when one of the placing finishers came up to Ken and said "Hey sorry man I gotta go to work now, see ya later" wow, I imagined the guy telling his family "Well I'm off to go run an insanely fast 13.1 miles then go to work still before the sun is up" ha ha.  John came in not too long after with an impressive time, especially for being mainly a Trail Ultra runner, switching to streets is a tad different.  John greeted Doodles and I happily but tired from working all day the day before and then running the half.  We really wanted to go to the after party but John needed to rest.  As you can see from the pictures below, John finished the race and was smiling big, was extremely happy but super tired.  I'm showing you how awesome the medals are.  Ken sure did a great job and here's my thoughts on that.

 This was the INAUGURAL race and the "newbie" racers seemed to expect something other than what they got. John and I are extreme athletes, John came to this race PREPARED, unlike racers of whom I had read their "comments" on Ken's Facebook page which were obviously from people who came to the race unprepared or just "new" at racing.  Another thing that Ultra runners do and people who have more than one or a few races under their name:  Again, these are just my thoughts, nobody else input here, so you can agree or not but here they are. Plus I love to stick up for my friends.

1. Come prepared to race in the right clothing, th right shoes (not shoes you just bought and never wore), eat right, not a bunch of Crispy Cremes before the race.  Don't expect to be out of shape and not prepared for running up hills.  Since the route was shown on the website for the Hollywood Half Marathon, then uh....check it.  If you don't know the route, drive it.  If you can, run it or walk it even if you have to go on the sidewalks (if they have them in the area).  When you find out that there are hills, gee you might want to practice running up hills, the "HILL" for the Hollywood Half Marathon was a long gradual climb, if you see yourself running down past the finish line that's on the opposite side of the street for quite a while in the beggining of a race, guess what, what goes down  must come up, you just might have to get to that finish line that's at the top of that hill you ran past.

2.  Don't leave comments like you are a pro runner on the race directors page if you are not a pro.  If you notice the top finishers didn't have any problems, no complaints.  When you come to a race prepared and trained you will find out that it's really not too hard.

3.  Bring your own water.  Whether or not the route shows aid stations.  I noticed people complained at the Super Spartan in Temecula, really, the SUPER Spartan?  The race info for the Super Spartan says that the route is not posted, everything is a surprise.  The Hollywood Half Marathon spelled everything out too, It amazes me how people expect to be hand holded through a race. It's not the "Tinkerbell" run, it's a Hollywood Half Marathon and a Super Spartan. One is a Half Marathon on the streets of Hollywood and one is an extreme obstacle race approx 10 miles long, totally different but again, come prepared.  

4.  Get to know the race director like Ken Nwadike.  Don't just register, try to walk a half marathon and then complain that there was not enough water or too big of a hill.  Perhaps 95% of the runners already got water, finished the race and went home and now the town is waiting for you so they can reopen the streets.  Maybe not, but you get the point.  Don't blame the race director for your own failure to come to any race prepared.

5,  Watching my husband John's Go Pro video, he ran past many runners who were just barely moving that were chatting.  I heard two females when he passed them say "Now he won't be able to stay at that pace for very long"  Well guess what. He did.  He trains and he came to the race prepared.  And thats after running 35 miles a couple of days before. So a note to people, be careful what you say, you may be recorded looking like a fool.

6.  Before you make comments on a Facebook page, a Blog, on the phone, website or whatever, be sure you know something about what it takes to do the job that the person you plan on lecturing does.  Don't tell a Race Director how to do his or her job until you've had the experience and your races were stellar.  Don't complain about getting a tech shirt that was $8 more than a regular shirt as most races only sell tech shirts for $30 and up.  Registration prices are great, Don't complain. Sheesh.  Maybe everybody could try the Spartan Death Race and see how they feel.

I could say more but this blog would go on forever.  Ken Nwadike is the ultimate in Race Directors.  His wife Sabrina and his children and new daughter are beautiful and he did a fantastic job on the first Hollywood Half Marathon.  Ken is a professional and if you go to his website at Superhero Events you'll get what I mean.  Great job Ken, you are an awesome friend, a great athlete and super guy.

Thursday, May 3, 2012

My hubby John Prudhont at home with his
great winners Tech Shirt & 50 Mile Finishers Medal

Wow,  I'm so impressed with my husband.  He's now an official "Sponsored" Athlete.  He won the FRS Top Trekker Challenge which includes a year sponsorship, a year of FRS products, a $1000 REI Gift Certificate and more gear, etc.  What a stud.  He didn't even have a chance to track all of his miles as he didn't learn about the contest until later in the month.  Plus his iPhone battery died while he was tracking his last 50 mile run in the Leona Divide 50 Mile trail run  on April 28th, 2012.  I'm proud of so many family members and friends and even others that don't know me, including all of the finishers of the Leona Divide 50K and 50M races and others. But I can only post so many blogs at once :-) my husband of course gets first dibs on my bragging,,,hee hee. If you read this John, I'm so proud of you my love, you are my hero! I love trail running with my husband too, well just exercising with him no matter it be a walk, run or P90X. It's all fun :-) The great website "UltraMarathonDude.com" will be up and running this week, so please keep this blog saved for updates :-) And for those of you wanting to get a glimpse of the "UltraMarathonDude" running, here he is (although a drawing version below in action :-)

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

A day to show appreciation to a lady who truly deserves it ( besides my mom & daughter :-) )

I've been thinking about Andrea Bridges a lot. She's such a wonderful woman. I wish she or I still lived closer to each other as I love her like a sister. Okay a little about Andrea and what she does. She owns a store called " Repeat Possessions " about 95% of what I wear is from her store. Seriously. Please see the pictures I've attached. I especially love the T-Party clothing line, but then again there's the PRVCY brand, her own Repeat Possessions line, the Spirit Hoods  are my favorite hoods, I'm wearing the Black Wolf Warior Hood in the pictures attached. What is amazing about Andrea is that she truly appreciates a great review, a great friendship and great comments. She is a genuine terrific lady. She lives in a beautiful home in Mission Viejo which is in lovely Orange County, CA & has absolutely gorgeous daughters, gorgeous doggies and she's madly deeply in love with her family and her husband ( I'd say "gorgeous" husband too but that would sound improper, lol :-) Andrea never has negative words to say, she's always been helpful when I have questions about a particular item in her store and answers my questions promptly. She also is a fantastic philanthropist. She is having a great benefit for HOPE for SMA ( Spinal Muscular Atrophy ) and I hope in addition you will visit Andrea's store, Repeat Possessions and HOPE
Thank You for reading my appreciation blog about Andrea. Check out all the Repeat Possessions clothing I'm wearing in the photos below and have a beautiful day.
Eileen wearing her "Spirit Hood"

Eileen wearing Niki Biki Stretch jeans & Niki Biki leapord stretch tank
Eileen wearing Niki Biki pants and PRVCY top from Repeat Possessions

Eileen with John and Kiana, Eileen wearing her T-Party Blue Fold Over Yoga Pants

Eileen hiking in her lavender tie die
foldover T-Party Yoga pants

Eileen proud of making it up the hill in her blue
tie dye- T-Party Fold Over Yoga Pants