About Eileen

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I'm a very happy woman and extremely grateful to be alive and wake up every day. I've been a Type 1 Diabetic since age 9 and perhaps having this disease almost my whole life has helped me learn to appreciate that it could all be gone in a second. I'm forever grateful for my husband John Prudhont, my beautiful daughter Rene and Johns daughter Kiana, hey are such wonderful young ladies. In addition my little diabetic alert dog Doodles, he's John & my best little hairy friend. You can read about my life here and about what an actress, athlete and diabetic like me loves, hates, buys, returns or just enjoys daily. Enjoy :-)

Thursday, May 3, 2012

My hubby John Prudhont at home with his
great winners Tech Shirt & 50 Mile Finishers Medal

Wow,  I'm so impressed with my husband.  He's now an official "Sponsored" Athlete.  He won the FRS Top Trekker Challenge which includes a year sponsorship, a year of FRS products, a $1000 REI Gift Certificate and more gear, etc.  What a stud.  He didn't even have a chance to track all of his miles as he didn't learn about the contest until later in the month.  Plus his iPhone battery died while he was tracking his last 50 mile run in the Leona Divide 50 Mile trail run  on April 28th, 2012.  I'm proud of so many family members and friends and even others that don't know me, including all of the finishers of the Leona Divide 50K and 50M races and others. But I can only post so many blogs at once :-) my husband of course gets first dibs on my bragging,,,hee hee. If you read this John, I'm so proud of you my love, you are my hero! I love trail running with my husband too, well just exercising with him no matter it be a walk, run or P90X. It's all fun :-) The great website "UltraMarathonDude.com" will be up and running this week, so please keep this blog saved for updates :-) And for those of you wanting to get a glimpse of the "UltraMarathonDude" running, here he is (although a drawing version below in action :-)

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