About Eileen

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I'm a very happy woman and extremely grateful to be alive and wake up every day. I've been a Type 1 Diabetic since age 9 and perhaps having this disease almost my whole life has helped me learn to appreciate that it could all be gone in a second. I'm forever grateful for my husband John Prudhont, my beautiful daughter Rene and Johns daughter Kiana, hey are such wonderful young ladies. In addition my little diabetic alert dog Doodles, he's John & my best little hairy friend. You can read about my life here and about what an actress, athlete and diabetic like me loves, hates, buys, returns or just enjoys daily. Enjoy :-)

Saturday, April 21, 2012

Great day! I signed up my hot hubby for the Leona Divide 50 Mile UltraRace :-)

This was fun beautiful day today, since my husband John and I are Ultra Runners, (but he's a much better Ultra Runner than me) I wanted to surprise him with his entry that I had promised him a couple of weeks ago to the Leona Divide 50 Mile Ultra Race which is being held next weekend on the 28th of April. I wanted to enter him all sneaky (you know like buying Jimmy Choos and sneaking them home and putting them in the closet) I can tell you this, I always get caught.....even after buying a cash debit card so he could not see the charges on our bank account, he still found out and it was so silly because after I signed him up....he got an email with the total fees paid for the race anyway, lol, here's some information on this awesome race: Its being put on by race director Keira Henninger, I've got to tell ya, this lady can seriously put on the kick ass races. She's one of my Ultra running women heroines ( she's actually my ONLY female hero Ultra Runner) :-) why you ask? Because she is super sweet, can run forever, has a great physique and besides being a great mom, she seems to love her man as much as I love mine, and her company has amazingly awesome clothing! And....... someday my dream is to put in the miles like she can. Oh sheesh, back to the Leona Divide info.  There is awesome swag given with your entry to any race Keira is the race director for and the Leona Divide 50 is no different.  The picture above is a preview of the cool tech shirt John will be getting.  The race has some serious elevation gain and will indeed kick butt, here's a view of the gain  and more course info. 

What else is awesome about her races? She has this terrific race wear clothing company called Ink n Burn that has the cutest tech shirts, skirts, tanks and more. See John here wearing the Ink n Burn Griffith Park Trail Half Marathon race tech shirt which was part of the awesome swag that of course without fail race director Keira Henninger was in charge of.
so yep, here is the love of my life ( he had just finished running the Hollywood Half Marathon) and wearing a VIP badge (since we are celebrities, but we don't act like we are) and looks like a model even while other people were passing out! But besides John and his being all handsome like usual, isn't the Ink N Burn tech shirt seriously cool?  I also want to get some of the new sleeves they have along with the peacock running skirt, camisole and matching sleeves and shin skins, the Green Run or Die sleeves, tech shirt and jacket, and the Hollywood Shin Skins. just to name a few....I could go on.  Be sure to have a look.  Here's a link to the gorgeous Peacock Skirt I was talking about!  well just a shopping spree there would be my dream :-) since John and I are provided clothing by companies for us to talk about, brag about and wear proudly, we love to honor them, but I am gladly doing this and bragging and giving an awesome review gratis for Keira and Ink n Burn.  We do the races we are signed up to do, pay for and market and I only have great things to say about Keira and Ink n Burn.  Since John and I are both Ultra Runners, besides being actors we believe we should brag about what we would normally brag about to our closest friends and family.  So what you see me talking about on my blog is for real, not paid to say anything and not given anything free to do so, if anything was given to us as promotion or discounted or paid for I would brag about what I truly believe in anyway (although a free shopping spree at Ink n Burn will always be a dream, hee hee).  So it's time now to go to sleep as my sexy husband John, my very own Ultra Marathon man, will be running throughout the night from midnight until approximately 9am or later.  He is my hero, my life, my love, my happiness and my dream come tru and I will sleep very well.  Goodnight all.

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