About Eileen

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I'm a very happy woman and extremely grateful to be alive and wake up every day. I've been a Type 1 Diabetic since age 9 and perhaps having this disease almost my whole life has helped me learn to appreciate that it could all be gone in a second. I'm forever grateful for my husband John Prudhont, my beautiful daughter Rene and Johns daughter Kiana, hey are such wonderful young ladies. In addition my little diabetic alert dog Doodles, he's John & my best little hairy friend. You can read about my life here and about what an actress, athlete and diabetic like me loves, hates, buys, returns or just enjoys daily. Enjoy :-)

Sunday, April 22, 2012

My husband is the meaning of love to me

I'm so madly deeply in love with my husband John. He fills my heart with happiness every day & I've never known a man even close to being as amazing as he is. I'm sure other women may feel this way about their significant other too, but these are my thoughts about my sweet man.

John always shows me how much he loves me, he does the kindness things for me, says the sweetest words, and gives me the best gifts, whether it's the gift of him or a kiss or a smile, everything he does is a gift to me. I've never known love like this in my life. It feels amazing. I will never be without my husband, I will always be his faithful, loving, caring, devoted bride. I will always keep myself healthy and beautiful for him, I believe that if you truly love your man, you will not only keep yourself healthy & beautiful for yourself, you'll do it for him too. So that's what I always try to do.

I'm his biggest fan. Yep sorry to all the other fans out there. I know I got this hottie & I show my appreciation for him EVERY day. Never taking this man for granted! I'm telling you, what a hunk, so incrediby handsome, not just some of the time, but ALL of the time! such a beautiful sight walking in our front door even after he goes running for 40 miles or more. He looks like he just walked off a fashion show runway. Seriously. I fall in love with him over and over throughout the day every day, so weird because I never stop loving him but I get this giddy feeling of love and happiness and shyness all together every time I look at my husband :-)

John is such an amazing athlete! He is an Ultra Runner as I'm sure you've realized if you've read any of my other posts, or some people know it as "Ultra Marathon". It's anything over 26.2 miles, and for John, that's a tiny training run! He just went running this morning over 35 miles! Yesterday over 23 miles, and daily over 20, 30 and more miles! He will soon get a sponsorship and he deserves it. Besides that he us the "Ultra Running Actor" he is a fantastic PADI Advanced Open Water Scuba Diver, a great hiker, golfer, swimmer, P90X'r, biker, climber....well you get it, he can do it all.

He is a fantastic actor! My husband really is amazing at everything. He has been acting for what seems like forever to me ( I have a lot less experience in acting than John ). He can do comedy, drama, horror, improv, you name it he can do it. Here's a link to his imdb page: http://www.imdb.me/johnprudhont
You'll see when you check out his page, he's done a lot of work. You know what else? Go to the TV department at Costco and his American Express Costco commercial plays over & over throughout the day. I beam with pride every time we are in Costco and see him on the big screens :-) John is my mentor and hero in acting, voice over, and singing too. I am so proud of this man, it's unbelievable.

He's a fantastic daddy. Kiana is Johns daughter, I call her my daughter too although I'm her "step-mom". I hate using that word. Kiana is such a cutie, a wonderful, absolutely beautiful young lady. I believe John has done a superior job of raising her, even when we have her at our home every other week, she gets to have her terrific daddy there. He spends father-daughter time with her & I think that's fantastic too. Lucky girl as even children who live at home with their daddy's all of the time, don't get to have the father son or daughter times or have their daddy pick them up from school or care like John does. Kiana is a very lucky child.

He's great with our doggie Doodles. It's funny because Doodles prefers it when John gives him his insulin shots ( if you didn't know, Doodles is a Type 1 diabetic too :-( ) Doodles is SO excited to see daddy ( John ) when he comes home from a long run. John is caring & loving & wonderful & another reason that he's so easy to love.

So if you see me mentioning my husband a lot throughout my blogs, these are just a few of the reasons. He really is my everything.

Here are just a "few" pictures of us. I don't want to overwhelm anyone, ha ha.
Hiking at Placerita Canyon
John during the Super Spartan
On the set of "Almost Got Away with it"

John ready to do the 1st Batallion 1st Marines Beach Challenge
John and I at the LA Rock & Roll Half Marathon Expo
John and I at Petco, yep thats how we roll at Petco
John while running in Canyon Country
John and me with my RED face in Cayon Country
John trail running in Canyon Country
John and me before the Super Spartan in Dec 2012

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